REKON Outdoor Gear™ PH-1 Panhead combine precision engineering, innovative design, and value in support of hunters, precision shooters, military & law enforcement, and photographers.
Key Features of the REKON Outdoor Gear™ Optics Optimized CT-3HD Carbon Fiber Ambush™ Tripod with PH-1 Panhead
Key Features of the REKON Outdoor Gear™ PH-1 Panhead
- 360 degree panning
- Separate Head and Pan tension adjustment/lock: Individual pitch head tension and lock knob as well as pan lock aid in perfect adjustment settings
- Rated at 33lb loading weight
- Precision Aluminum alloy construction
- PH-1 weight: 1.8 lbs
- Extreme cold weather reliability- factory sealed with arctic cold resistant grease
- Quick Release Accessory Plate with 1/4-20 screw interfaces with numerous camera, optic, etc mounts
- Base is threaded for UNC 3/8
- Versatile - Detachable metal pan handle allows for forward or aft and Left or right hand pan handle installation
- Tilt angle range: up +90 degrees to down -75 degrees
- Bubble level
- PH-1 Panhead: Limited 1-Year
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PH-1 Pan Head: Limited 1-Year