The REKON Premium Guide & Outfitter Binocular Harness is built to the standards customers worldwide have come to expect from REKON outdoor gear. REKON Premium harnesses are designed and manufactured to be comfortable all day long, secure your binoculars in close to your chest for quick and easy access, and handle heavy duty usage in inclement weather - typical conditions for guides and outfitters. Lets face it, most bino harness designs are lightweight and cheap and mainly offered for branding and marketing purposes, not heavy duty usage. They commonly feature inferior straps which have substandard elasticity and durability, crappy connection points, and are ill fitting and uncomfortable.
REKON Premium Guide & Outfitter Binocular Harnesses feature the following key attributes:
- Comfortable binocular harness straps made of premium Nylon/Lycra elastic position harness comfortably on your chest
- Eliminates neck strain and keep your binoculars from bouncing while stalking
- One-size-fits-all harness is easy to attach and completely adjustable
- Wide Heavy-duty rubberized composite self centering back panel supports heavy binoculars
- Disperses weight of binoculars on shoulders and torso adding to all day use comfort
- Quick Release/Detach buckles allow you to easily take binoculars on and off without removing the harness
- Allows for seamless transition of binoculars to and from tripods if desired
- Attach loop buckles utilize heavy duty premium leather reinforced para cord style attach loops
- Designed to fit virtually any binocular with loop provisions for attaching a neck strap
- 1-year manufacturer warranty
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